Run&Fly – The world lightest and most compact paraglider
Dudek has designed the first ever wing under 1 kg (986g), meaning it’s the lightest and most compact aircraft of the world. The Run&Fly is perfect for trail running, hike & fly and necessary travelling, or just as a second wing you will always have with you (you can easily place it in your hand [...]

Zero Gravity – Acro harness
We would like to present you a total novelty - an acro harness called ZeroGravity*. Durable materials, compact sizes, wide adjustment ranges, two bays for rescue chute under the seat (one of them can be steered, of Rogallo type), footrest with automatic release system in case of activating rescue chute, certified protector - those are [...]

Dudek NEWS – Orca 4
We introduce new release of our tandem - Orca 4 In this new Orca we've improved what's most important for a tandem - launch characteristics, precision and ease of steering, as well as effective flare during landing. These parameters were already very good in Orca XX so there was no place for a huge difference, [...]

V-King is near!
V-King is the name of our new full-scale single surface glider we've been developing for a couple of years. It features solution unseen so far in such wings, called V-ribs. It allows for significant reduction of the lines number and a stable canopy at the same time, while the paraglider weighs just 2,1 kg.

New Optic 2
Dudek is proud to present the new Optic, with a '2' added. Two sizes are already certified as EN/LTF B, others follow. Optic 2 is a great option for recreational pilots who want to grow further: Optic 2 Compared to the original Optic, current wing is more slender and features newest solutions (sharknose, 3D ballooning, [...]

Universal 1.1 – New!
Find out new version of the Universal, first paraglider for recreational flying (EN B certificate), which at any time can be easily transformed into a full-blood reflex paramotor canopy (DGAC certificate). More on the Universal webpage

New rescue – Globelight
New face of the well-earned Globe in lighter version: Globelight. Three sizes covers weight range from 90 to 210 kg. More on Dudek website.

New Colt 2
New version of the Colt with shark nose i three sections of the rods. That is not all - if you are interested, visit Colt2 website.

Dudek Paragliders – Coden Pro
We are proud to announce launch of the most advanced competition wing in Dudek Paragliders range: Coden Pro Dudek Paragliders joined the elite group of manufacturers who offer the highest performance wings for top competition pilots. Relying upon our 4-years experience with entry-level-twoliner Coden (aspect ratio = 6.95), and upon positive feedback of pilots who [...]